Airport Watch December Meeting Minutes
ORD Airport Watch Meeting Minutes ñ December 5, 2023
Board Present: Bill Gaston, Dan McInerney, Kelly Roller, Jackson Skelly
Board Absent: Dan Marinellie
Note: The Executive Board and General meetings were held via Zoom.
Meeting was called to order by Dan McInerney at 7:00 pm.
1) Treasurer's report ñ current bank balance is $3,857.18.
2) General election discussion. Bill Gaston has sent out a call for nominees for the Board. All 7 seats are open. All Board positions will be at-large, with officer decisions mad by the new Board after the election.
3) Bill Gaston has sent out invitations for 2 RFD tours on 12/19 and 12/20.
4) Laura Hayden discussed EAA wanting to write an article about Airport Watch. She will be collecting information about the hobby from members in the near future.
5) Meeting was closed at 7:45 pm.
Respectfully submitted by Bill Gaston