Bensenville – ORD Airport Watch Rules & Regulations
Statement of Principals:
The ORD Airport Watch was organized to provide a partnership between members of the aviation enthusiast’s community and official organizations. This is to develop understanding and mutual benefits.
In addition, members of the enthusiasts community are often aware of truly suspicious incidents or improper activities well before officials discover them.
Airports and the surrounding areas are prime territory for suspicious or illegal activities. Many people from all over the area or indeed, all over the world travel thru the area. Many industrial, retail or other commercial properties abound and multiple law enforcement jurisdictions overlap the region.
In addition to all this, there are thousands of people that travel from far and wide to view the fascinating aspects of aviation. Those of us lucky enough to live in the area spend hours in the area of O’Hare Airport due to its rich variety of operations, busy flight schedules and multitude of spotting locations.
Aviation enthusiasts include pilots, controllers, flight attendants and other aviation professionals, as well as people who have no professional connection to the industry, but are just interested in aviation. Some enthusiasts like to photograph or videotape aircraft operations, some like to follow Air Traffic Control on radio scanners, others just like to find a convenient place to site and watch planes. Enthusiasts often like to share their finds with other like–minded individuals or publish them in magazines and websites. Each of these activities is perfectly legal and, when done responsibly, do not cause any problems for anyone.
There are misconceptions held by some members of the public and even some police that aircraft photography or scanner listening is illegal, especially after the events of 9–11–2001. By partnering with law enforcement aviation enthusiasts can help clear up these misconceptions, reduce tensions and enjoy their hobby. One of the codes we live by is “Take Only Pictures, Leave Only Footprints”. While many might see our hobby as suspicious it is mostly benign.
Law Enforcement agencies, airport operations and other officials sometimes view aviation enthusiasts with mistrust, disdain or benign amusement. All too often members of the aviation enthusiast’s community encounter law enforcement officials, airport workers or others that are suspicious of the hobby and its activities. Enthusiasts have been detained, removed from places they had the right to be or otherwise prevented from enjoying legal pursuit of their hobby. Too often innocent aviation enthusiasts have been approached by law enforcement and asked to leave an area they had the right to be or stop performing legal activities in pursuit of their hobby.
Law Enforcement and airport operations have other issues. They are charged with protecting a huge area filled with thousands of people from all over the world, large industrial and retail districts, critical infrastructure and major construction zones. These are inviting targets for terrorism, thefts and other crimes as well as pesky photographers. By utilizing the eyes and ears of the aviation hobbyists, who are going to be in the area anyway, many of these crimes can be reduced or apprehensions made.
Neighborhood Watch programs are very successful when high levels of police–public interaction are maintained. The ORD Airport Watch takes this program to a different level, by involving the aviation enthusiasts and multiple police and airport organizations. Airport Watch members are instructed on how to observe and report suspicious activities, what they can and cannot do, where they can and cannot go and otherwise how best to pursue the hobby legally and without interference.
The Village of Bensenville, thru the Police Department’s Crime Prevention officer, has taken an active role in the safety and security of the areas around O’Hare Airport. Since much of the area south and west of the airport lies within Bensenville, many of the best places for aviation enthusiasts to partake in the hobby are in the Village. In addition there are many commercial establishments that aviation enthusiasts would trade at in the Village. These include restaurants, service stations, and a unique store called Aviation Universe, which caters directly to aviation enthusiasts and pilots.
A partnership between the aviation enthusiasts and law enforcement would provide both with highly tangible benefits. The community benefits from lower incidents of crime and increase apprehension of criminals, the enthusiast benefit from reduced interference in legal activities and official recognition from the community. Law Enforcement and airport operations benefit from extra eyes and ears on the ground and more cooperation from trained spotters.
The ORD Airport Watch Program will create a list of rules and protocols to be followed. Rules will ensure that members behave in acceptable manners within established guidelines. Protocols will ensure that the proper agencies are notified of suspicious or illegal activities and that members and officials know the proper way to handle interactions with each other.
O’Hare is one of the busiest airports in the world and as such becomes a target for a variety of illicit activity. It is hoped that the ORD Airport Watch Program will help reduce these incidents and provide a better understanding of enthusiasts and officials when they interact.
Goals and Objectives:
Provide a partnership between aviation enthusiasts and officials (police, airport operations etc.)
Reduce the incidence of unpleasant interactions between aviation fans and officials.
Provide a mechanism for Members to make notification to the proper authority of security or safety issues.
Increase official awareness of enthusiasts and the assistance they can provide.
Define proper locations for spotters and enthusiasts use to avoid trespassing and unauthorized actions.
Inform officials of the hobby of aviation spotting.
Determine the requirements of membership, such as age, background etc.
Create a method of recruitment for the group.
Vet potential members to be sure of the integrity of the group and its members.
Provide a protocol for approving, removing or suspending members.
Provide a Code of Conduct of members and how to enforce it.
Define what membership in Airport Watch allows and prohibits.
Elect officers of the groups and define responsibilities of each.
Establish communications and recognition by law enforcement, airport operations, railroads and other concerned organizations.
Build ongoing partnerships with police, security and operations departments.
Provide a protocol to be followed by members in the event of contact with police or other officials.
Instruct members on what to watch for and how to handle situations that may arise.
Provide a method for members to contact officials with information or incidents requiring official intervention.
Provide for methods for Members to record the times and locations they were watching and observing.
Provide official identification and vehicle cards.
Provide a communications method to be used by members and officers.
Coordinate social and community events for, by and including members and local agencies.
Section 1 – Group construct:
1–1: Members
in Good Standing are those applicants that have been accepted into OAW by the Board and Membership as provided for by these rules. Members in Good Standing (MGS) are eligible for voting in and being elected to Group offices.
1–2: Board Members
are drawn from Members in Good Standing and are elected to the offices described in this section. They are charged with various duties as described.
1–3: Ex-officio Members
are attached to the OAW due to their employment or office. These include employees of local law enforcement or businesses that may act as advisors or coordinators. Ex-officio members may participate in all activities but are not eligible to vote or be elected to Group offices.
The OAW recognize the following ex–officio members:
Bensenville Police Liaison
Bensenville Chamber of Commerce Representative City of Chicago liaisons
Federal Law Enforcement agencies liaisons
These ex-officio members will be nominated and assigned to the OAW by the organization they represent. Additional Ex–officio members may be included from time to time by majority vote of the Board of Directors.
1–4: Prospective Members
will fully complete the current Membership Application and deliver it to the proper Group Officer as established by the Board. The Membership Application will include identifiers necessary to perform any required background checks and will include at a minimum the full name, address, telephone numbers and date of birth of the applicant. Applications Forms will be provided by the group and made available at places determined by the Board.
1–5: Application Fees
There will be a $20 Application Fee payable to the B-OAW upon submitting an application for membership. This will be non-refundable should the applicant be denied membership in the organization for any reason.
1–6: Dues
The Board may propose annual Dues to be imposed upon the Group Members at any Board or Group Meeting. Any imposition of or increase in Dues must be approved by a majority vote of the Board members present at that meeting. Group Dues are payable within 60 days of approval by the Board and in a fashion as directed by the Board. The Treasurer will be responsible for collecting and depositing properly all dues received.
1–7: Applicant Sponsorship
Applicants must be sponsored by an existing Group Member, Board Member or Ex-officio member of the OAW. The sponsor will need to be noted on the application form.
1–8: Application Vetting
Applicants will be vetted by the Law Enforcement Liaison assigned to the OAW by the Bensenville Police Department (BPD). This will include a background check to be performed by BPD. If approved by the BPD Liaison the application will be returned to the Membership Secretary for approval. The Membership Secretary may approve the membership request, deny it for cause or refer to it to the Board. There will be a $20 Application Fee payable to the B-OAW upon submitting an application for membership. This will be non-refundable should the applicant be denied membership in the organization for any reason.
1–9: Expulsion
A Membership in the OAW is a privilege granted by the Board. As such it can be revoked at any time, for any reason, by a Majority Vote of the Board Members after such a vote is requested and seconded by Board Members at a Board or Group Meeting. In addition, an ex–officio member of the OAW may nominate a member for expulsion in this manner at a meeting, either directly or by request to the Group President or Vice President.
Members nominated for expulsion by a Board Member or the BPD Liaison Officer will be suspended from membership and will return all membership credentials upon request. Credentials and membership will be returned to the Member if the expulsion is not confirmed by a majority vote at the next Board Meeting.
If a member is expelled by the Board he or she will return all membership credentials immediately and will not represent himself or herself as a member of the OAW.
Section 2 – Group Officers:
2–1: Eligibility
The Group Offices will be filled by regular members of the OAW and approved by majority vote. Prospective officers may be nominated by any member of the group, including themselves, and seconded by any other member of the group. The Officers will then serve until the next General Election or until removed by resignation, leaving the OAW, or expulsion (from the office or OAW).
2–2: Board of Directors
Group Officers will comprise the Board of Directors and the Board will be tasked with the day–today operations of the OAW.
Official meetings of the Board will be scheduled in advance at the previous meeting of the board or at times designated by the Board. Actions requiring the approval of the Board can only take place when there is a quorum present and available to vote, either by the member attending or providing a proxy to another member of the board. Proxies must be made known to the Board at the start of the meeting. At meetings in which there is not a quorum, items and matters of interest to the group may be discussed and debated but votes may not be taken.
2–3: Board Expulsion
Group Officers may be expelled from the office by a majority vote of the Group Membership upon such a vote being requested and seconded by Group Members.
2–4: Salaries and Liabilities
Group Officers will not be paid, nor will they be liable for expenses or liabilities incurred by the Group. Reasonable expenses incurred by Group Officers may be reimbursed after a majority vote of the Group Board.
2–5: Group Officers (Board of Directors)
The Board of Directors will consist of 7 Members in Good Standing (MGS). These Members elected to the BOD will include the following Posts elected to a term of 2 years:
Vice President
Member at Large
Member at Large
Member at Large
These members of the BOD will be authorized to vote on Club matters and expenditures. Members of the BOD may appoint a Proxy to cast their votes at Club meetings or functions by notifying the club Secretary in advance of the meeting or in the case of the Secretary’s absence the Secretary’s Proxy notification will be made to the President or Vice President. These notifications may be made by in writing, electronically or in person.
2–6: Offices:
2–6–A President
The President will be in overall charge of the Group and may be tasked to make immediate decisions that should not wait until the next Board or General Meeting. The President may suspend the membership of any Group Member until the next General Meeting.
The President will be the public face of the Membership and be responsible for media relations and coordination with other groups and government agencies.
The President will be in charge of Board and General Meetings. The President will not however vote on initiatives unless there is a tie vote of the eligible members on a matter before the Board or General Membership. The President will then be tasked with casting a tie–breaking vote, and the motion or issue will be passed or failed as if the vote was by an eligible voter.
If the President is not present, able or willing to perform the duties required, the Vice President or next Group Officer in the order as shown in Rule 2–5 will perform the duties of President.
2–6–B Vice President
The Vice President will perform the duties of President in the absence of the President. He or she will be elevated to the office of President if the President is removed, resigns or is otherwise unable to participate in Group activities.
The Vice President will be eligible to vote on all matters as a member of the Board or as a General Member unless he or she is acting as President. He then would only vote in case of a tie.
2–6–C Treasurer
The Treasurer will assume the responsibility for collecting and dispensing any funds collected or spent by the OAW. This would include such revenues as donations, membership dues or any other source. This would also include any expenditures necessary by the OAW.
The Treasurer will forward to the President a report of the OAW financial activities since the previous report on a regular basis. These reports will detail all funds collected and expended and balances of any accounts holding funds belonging to the OAW. These reports will be made available to any Group Member upon request and will be available for inspection at all General Meetings.
The Treasurer may establish checking or savings accounts as he or she sees fit. Activities of these accounts will be included on the reports forwarded to the President.
The Treasurer may expend funds for group activities up to $50 without direct approval of the Board. Any such expenditure will be detailed and receipts provided at the next General Meeting or upon request of the President or Vice President.
The Treasurer may expend funds in any amount after approval by the majority of Board Members. Any such expenditure will be detailed and receipts provided at the next General Meeting or upon request of the President or either Vice President.
2–6–D Secretary
The Secretary will record minutes of any official meeting of the Board or at any General Meeting. These minutes will be provided as part of the Secretary’s Report prior to or at the following Meeting and also will be maintained by the Secretary as part of the official Records of the OAW.
If the Secretary is unavailable to record the minutes of a meeting where these are required then another Board Member will record the minutes and forward them to the Secretary.
2–6–E Board Members at Large
3 Board Members will be elected without portfolio and comprise the remainder of the Board. Board Members at Large may initiate proposals and vote on any and all Board votes.
Section 3 – Committees:
In addition to the BOD there may from time to time be appointments to Committees for various club functions. These Committees may consist of one or more MGS to handle temporary or permanent operations or issues. Appointment to these Committees will be handled at regular BOD meetings and nominations for the Committees may be made by any MGS. Membership to these Committees will be non–expiring and members may be replaced, withdrawn or supplemented by the BOD as they see fit.
These Club functions may include events or activities such as parades, picnics, special viewing events, training sessions or other activities. They may also include ongoing needs of the Club such as Security, Training, Technology, Membership activities, Community Interaction etc.
The Committee Members may include Board Members or any MGS. Unless the Committee Member is already a member of the BOD they would not have a vote at BOD meetings but would be able to report to the BOD on their activities and make direct requests to the BOD for funds or other resources reserved for the BOD.
The official list of Club Committees and their members will be maintained by the Club Secretary and a copy of this list will be made available at BOD meetings and upon request.
Section 4 – Election of Board Members:
4–1 Nominations
MGS’s who wish to be elected to the BOD must secure 2 additional MGS’s to second their nomination. This may be done in writing, by phone, electronically or in person to the Secretary before the meeting at which the vote is to take place or during the time designated by the President at the meeting for nominations from the floor.
The last scheduled meeting of odd calendar years will include the floor nominations for BOD positions. The first scheduled meeting of the following calendar year (even years) will be the election following the same protocol listed below.
At the last scheduled meeting in odd years the process will be explained and nominations accepted for the 7 positions on the BOD.
MGS’s may make nominations from the floor at this meeting of any MGS for a specific position (Officer or BOD Member at Large).
Nominations will also be accepted by Email or in writing to the Club Secretary until a date before the end of the calendar year in odd years as set by the BOD, sufficient to allow the BOD to prepare ballots etc. These nominations may be emailed to the Secretary or in writing and must include the name of the nominee, the post he or she is running for and the two other MSG’s seconding the candidate.
Candidates may be nominated only for a single Post or as a Member at Large. If a candidate is nominated for 2 different positions the candidate must withdraw all nominations except for one at his or her choosing.
If a candidate fails to withdraw multiple nominations and is left with more than one valid nomination at the time of the closing of nominations the Secretary will withdraw nominations for the lowest office(s) the candidate is nominated for using the order of offices listed above.
Nominations will not be accepted after the announced closing date unless there are no valid nominations for a named Post or less than three nominations for At Large positions. If this is the case then nominations will be accepted from the floor at the Election meeting. The prospective candidate must be present to accept the nomination and receive 2 seconds from other MGS’s in attendance if he or she is so nominated at an election meeting.
4–2 Ballots
After the announced closing date for nominations the Club Secretary will create a ballot for the election, including the names of each MGS that has submitted his or her name for consideration. Candidates will be listed with the position they were nominated for in alphabetical order (by last name).
Once the nominations are closed and the makeup of the ballot is complete the Secretary (with any assistance he requires from other MGS) will create the ballot and post a sample to the membership by email.
Ballots will be printed in sufficient quantity for MGS’s to mark at the first meeting of even years. If a member wishes to vote but may not be able to attend the election meeting he may send his or her ballot to the Secretary who will retain it unopened until the election meeting where it will be included in the ballots from attending members. It must be received by the Club Secretary before the start of the Election meeting.
Ballots that include voting for an ineligible person for a named office, more than one person for that office, of more than three persons name on the ballot for At Large Directors or other improprieties will be considered “Improper”.
Any improper ballot will nullify that voting member’s vote for that office. If other offices are correctly voted upon the ballot will be counted for those properly voted upon offices.
4.3 Elections
MGS’s may vote for write–in candidates for any office. If a write–in candidate is listed on a member’s ballot the candidate’s first and last name must be listed along with the office he is being voted to by the member. Any write–in candidate must be otherwise eligible for the office, including being a MGS. Write–in candidates may not already be listed on the ballot for some other office.
Only 1 ballot may be submitted per MGS. No Proxy voting will be allowed in BOD elections, all voting members must either attend the meeting or submit his or her ballot to the Secretary as listed above. If a ballot is received from someone not eligible to vote (in other words, not a member in good standing) the ballot will be discarded.
Ballots will be counted at the election meeting by the current Club Secretary and he or she will report the results at the meeting. Once these results are known and reported by the Secretary to the current BOD the new slate of officers will be put into office and vested with the authority of the offices. Any club property, account information, passwords, or other property of the Club possessed by an outgoing BOD member will be turned over to his or her replacement or the incoming President.
Section 5 – Replacing Board Members:
If a person is elected to the BOD and notifies the Secretary before the end of the election meeting that he or she does not wish to take the post he or she was elected to the office will be awarded to the runner–up (if any) for that office. If there are no other candidates for that office it will be filled by a vote of the BOD from any eligible MGS.
If a member of the BOD later resigns the post the BOD will vote on a replacement to fill out the remaining term for that member. Posts of Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary or At Large Director may be filled from existing BOD members or any other MGS. If one of these posts is filled from within the BOD then replacements for that person’s position will be made in the same way. For example, if an At Large Director replaces the Treasurer then the BOD will then elect a new At Large Director from any eligible MGS.
If the President resigns or is no longer able to maintain his office he or she will be replaced by the Vice President and the BOD will elect a new VP as listed above.
Section 6 – Rules Changes:
Rules Changes may be made when appropriate by a majority vote of the Board, including the President. Rule Changes may be nominated by any Board Member, then they need to be seconded by another Board member before being voted upon by the entire Board present in person or by proxy. In these votes the President may cast a vote on the issue regardless of whether there was a tie vote or not.
Section 7 – Member Conduct:
7–1 Follow the law
Members will follow all laws, ordinances and property rules at all times.
7–2 Follow Instructions
Members will follow lawful instructions of law enforcement officials or authorized airport employees at all times. Board Members will be obeyed by Members and guests during any group event or tour.
7–3 Trespass
Members will not trespass uninvited upon any airport or private property at any time.
7–4 Cooperation
When in pursuit of enthusiast activities members will conduct themselves in a polite and cooperative manner, park properly and legally and respect the rights of others.
7–5 L.E. Encounters
Members will report to a Board Member of the OAW or to the BPD Liaison Officer any encounter with law enforcement or airport operations personnel that result in arrest, citation, warning or other documented situation.
7–6 Weapons
Members will not carry firearms or other regulated weapons while in possession of their OAW identification or during OAW events or activities unless authorized to do so by applicable laws. Any member authorized to carry weapons by law will advise the ranking Board Member and / or Ex–officio members while attending hosted events or on airport property. If asked by a Board or Ex–officio member to do so the Member will secure the weapon or leave the property.
7–7 Access to properties
Membership in OAW does not allow access to airport property or other locations not generally available to the public. Members will not cite their membership in OAW in order to gain entry to any property they are not entitled to access. If invited, the member will conduct themselves with resect and submit to any requests of the host. While on property of an airport during OAW events the Member will follow all directives of the host.
7–8 Identification
Members will provide proper identification to authorized law enforcement or airport personnel when requested. This will include their OAW identification.
7–9 Orders to leave
If a member is ordered by law enforcement or authorized airport personnel to leave a location they shall comply with the order. Members may politely question or request clarification of the order but will not persist or confront the person making the request. If the member believes the location to be a legal and proper place to pursue the hobby or the order was improper they may contact the BPD Liaison Officer or a Board Member for clarification and follow–up.
7–10 Ambassadors
Members of the OAW are reminded that they are ambassadors to the public and other authorities. They are to conduct themselves thusly and not interfere with any operation of the airport, public safety officials or others while pursuing enthusiast activities at any time.
7–11 Training
Members of the OAW are expected to attend training sessions whenever possible.